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Integration API Sonar 3D-15


The Water Linked Sonar 3D-15 provides real-time 3D views of underwater environments using a low-bandwidth Range Image Protocol (RIP1). This protocol efficiently transmits data such as 3D points or grayscale bitmaps over UDP (multicast or unicast), enabling live visualization, analysis, or archival for later use.

Range Image Protocol (RIP1)

RIP1 is a compact format for range and bitmap images, designed for <10 Mbit bandwidth. Each packet:

  • Fits within a single UDP packet (max 65,507 bytes).
  • Starts with the 4-byte ID "RIP1".
  • Contains a length field, a serialized Protobuf payload, and a CRC-32.

Decoding Steps:

  1. Verify the RIP1 ID.
  2. Check the packet length and CRC-32.
  3. Decode into waterlinked.rip1.Packet.
  4. Use .type_url to identify the contained message.
  5. Decode .value into that message type.
  6. Interpret fields per the .proto File.


By default, the Sonar 3D-15 uses UDP Multicast (, so any device on the local network can receive data without knowing the sonar’s IP. You can also configure UDP Unicast to send data to a specific IP/port, allowing routing outside the local network (but losing multicast discoverability).

Image Sizes and Update Rates

Mode Resolution (W×H) FOV (H×V) Rate
Navigation 256 × 64 90° × 40° 5 Hz
Inspection 256 × 64 40° × 40° 20 Hz

Message Types

RIP1 supports several Protobuf-encoded messages, including:


  • 8-bit grayscale; each pixel = signal strength or shaded depth.
  • type enum differentiates signal strength vs. shaded.


  • Each pixel represents distance (radius) to the strongest reflection.
  • 0 = no valid data.
  • radius = pixelValue * imagePixelScale.

Coordinate and Image Conventions

Axes (right-handed):

  • x: forward
  • y: right
  • z: downward



  • Horizontal FOV (fovH) spans width.
  • Vertical FOV (fovV) spans height.
  • (px, py) maps to (yaw, pitch):
    yaw = (px / (width - 1))  * fovH - (fovH / 2)
    pitch = (py / (height - 1)) * fovV - (fovV / 2)

Example: Converting Range Image to 3D:

// Convert pixelValue to radius in meters
if (pixelValue == 0) {
  return Undefined; // no valid data
radius = pixelValue * imagePixelScale;

// Convert (yaw, pitch) from degrees to radians
yaw   = deg2rad((px / (width - 1))  * fovH - (fovH / 2));
pitch = deg2rad((py / (height - 1)) * fovV - (fovV / 2));

// Cartesian conversion (x forward, y right, z down)
x = radius * cos(pitch) * cos(yaw);
y = radius * cos(pitch) * sin(yaw);
z = -radius * sin(pitch); // z is downward

.proto File (Excerpt)

// Water Linked Sonar 3D-15 protocol
syntax = "proto3";

package waterlinked.sonar.protocol;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";

// Packet is the top-level message that is sent over the wire.
message Packet {
  google.protobuf.Any msg = 1; // Use .type_url to deserialize .value 
  // into one of the messages defined in this proto file

message Header {
  google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
// Sequence id is a monotonically increasing number that identifies
// each shot of the sonar. It can be used to detect missing shots or
// to relate messages of different types to each other. The value
// wraps around to 0 after reaching the maximum value.

  uint32 sequence_id = 2;

enum BitmapImageType {
// Bitmap image showing for each x,y pixel the strength of the
// strongest reflection
// Bitmap image showing a shaded representation of the depth in the
// range image. The light source is behind and above the observer.
// (This is experimental and may be removed in the future)

// BitmapImageGreyscale8 can be shown to user without further processing.
// Uncompressed, 8-bit color depth, greyscale.

message BitmapImageGreyscale8 {
  Header header = 1;
  float speed_of_sound = 2; // Configured speed of sound in water in m/s 
  float range = 3; // Configured range in meters
  uint32 frequency = 4; // Configured imaging frequency in Hz
  BitmapImageType type = 5; // Identifier for what is shown in the image
  uint32 width = 6;
  uint32 height = 7;
  float horizontal_fov = 8;
  float vertical_fov = 9;
  // image pixel data is organized in rows of pixels.Each row is
  // 'width' wide, and there are 'height' rows. Each pixel is an 8-bit
  // value that represents the intensity of the pixel, from 0 to
  // 2^8-1.
  bytes image_pixel_data = 10;

// RangeImage measures the distance to the strongest reflection
// for each pixel.
message RangeImage {
  Header header = 1;
  float speed_of_sound = 2; // Configured speed of sound in water in m/s
  float range = 3; // Configured range in meters
  uint32 frequency = 4; // Configured imaging frequency in Hz.
  uint32 n_pixels_horizontal = 5;
  uint32 n_pixels_vertical = 6;
  float fov_horizontal = 7; // In degrees
  float fov_vertical = 8; // In degrees
  float image_pixel_scale = 9;

  // image_pixel_data is organized in rows of pixels. Each row is
  // n_pixels_horizontal wide, and there are n_pixels_vertical rows.
  // Each pixel is a 16-bit value that must be multiplied by
  // image_pixel_scale to obtain the distance in meters from the sonar
  // to the strongest reflection in that direction.
  repeated uint32 image_pixel_data = 10;

Compatibility Notes
- Additional message types/fields may be introduced.
- Decoders should ignore unrecognized messages.
- Major breaking changes will involve a new protocol identifier.

Thank you for using the Water Linked Sonar 3D-15!
Refer to the full protocol specification and .proto file shown above for more information.