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Networking Sonar 3D-15

The Sonar 3D-15 has several services available over ethernet:

Network configuration

Multicast DNS (mDNS)

The Sonar 3D-15 runs a DHCP client which will attempt to obtain an IP address from a DHCP server (e.g. in a router) on the same network, and supports mDNS: the mDNS name of the Sonar 3D-15 is waterlinked-sonar. On a computer which supports mDNS, one can then simply access the web GUI at http://waterlinked-sonar.


If no DHCP server is available on the network, it is recommended to use the fallback IP or configure a static IP address, as the Sonar 3D-15 can spend up to 5 minutes searching for a DHCP server.

Fallback IP

The Sonar 3D-15 will always be available with the static IP address: To be able to connect to the Sonar 3D-15 using it:

  • Connect an ethernet cable directly from the Sonar 3D-15 to your computer.
  • For an/the ethernet interface of your computer, configure it to have a static IP address in the same subnet as, (e.g. or anything else of the form if using a subnet of the form (aka
  • Activate the ethernet interface of your computer which you configured in the previous step.
  • In a web browser, open to access the web GUI.

User set IP

The IP address of the Sonar 3D-15 can be configured in two ways via the web GUI:

  • DCHP client: An IP address is obtained from a DHCP server (e.g. in a router) on the same network, as mentioned above in mDNS.
  • Static: Configure the Sonar 3D-15 to use static IP address of your choice.

After the IP configuration of the Sonar 3D-15 is modified, the Sonar 3D-15 needs to be rebooted for the settings take effect.


The boot time, i.e. the time it takes from the Sonar 3D-15 receives power until it starts operating normally, will depend upon the IP configuration. Using the fallback IP, the boot time can be as much as 1 min 30 sec, whilst it can be as low as 20 sec with a static IP.

UDP multicast and unicast

By default, the Sonar 3D-15 uses UDP Multicast (, so any device on the local network can receive data without knowing the sonar’s IP. You can also configure UDP Unicast to send data to a specific IP/port, allowing routing outside the local network (but losing multicast discoverability). Please see API for more information on the data on the UDP multi/unicast.